Saturday, June 18, 2005

Power is in the hands of an unelected few....

"Power is in the hands of an unelected few who have retained power through an electoral process that ignores the basic requirements of democracy,"

A quote by George W. Bush concerning the elections in Iran recently. I don't think I have to even further comment on the quote. But if I didn't just tell you who it was by and what it concerned, you may have thought it just the opposite. An article on BBC World News states that Iranians turned out in droves, against adversity in many cases, to cast their votes. Where is passion like that in America for Bush to criticize?

Recently, I was asked a provocative question. Someone asked me what I would do if I found that our government flat out lied. After the initial shock of finding someone that doesn't presume the govrenment always lies and acidentally lets truth slip trough occisionally, I began formulating my response.

Thomas Jefferson said,
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."
The question I am left to answer as a responsible citizen is "What is the tolerance limit?" I alluded, albeit in a very circuitous manner, to the process by which we are duped, in my entry Boiling Frogs. The process of boiling frogs is how we become accustomed to the transgressions bestowed on us. For those that are not familiar with boiling frogs, the old addage says,
If you want to boil a frog, you can't just drop it into a pot of boiling water; the frog will get burned and jump out in reaction. Instead, put the frog in cool comfortable water to put it at ease. Then over time, increase the flame. By the time the complacent frog realizes the water is too hot, it is too late for it to react.
The tolerance limit is what we individually must determine for ourselves. Then we must work collectively to have our voices heard.
The bureaucracy is a circle from which one cannot escape. Its hierarchy is a hierarchy of knowledge. The top entrusts the understanding of detail to the lower levels, whilst the lower levels credit the top with understanding of the general, and so all are mutually deceived. --Karl Marx
So how do we get our voices heard? How do we measure our success? Well, we've started the process already on this blog, and many like it. Several times there has been such impassioned debates about the core topics and motivations that face us all as members of the American society. We have shown that many of us are not complacent frogs. Also, we can see how our voices are being heard concerning the non-existant "Exit Plan" for the Iraqi war. Bush refuses to create one. But the topic has gained momentum enough to come to the forefront of social concern.

We need to know who we vote for, their integrity. We may even be inclined to join local politics like an old friend of mine hopes to. Take matters into our own hands in a pointed, peaceful, and noticeable way. Act on what you believe in. I am in Iraq, in the Army for just those reasons. I never considered it a great act of patriotism, I consider my choice a simple act of living how I speak. We must bring politics back to the political process and not have it be based on celebrity. Politicians racing toward the middle give voters little choice and disaffect the most citizens. We need a polarized, multi-party system based on plans for action, not neverending military actions and beaurocracies. Politicians should have no outside sources of wealth, no personal investments, no positions within corporations. Politics should be a life of consignment so that personal interest is not a factor and corporations can't amass power behind the curtain.

Karl Marx suggest this as our measuring stick,
Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Dorman, put up your dukes! I am quoting here from Gore Vidal's Inventing a Nation. "Hamilton argued that every society produces a ruling class. Why not accept this given without fuss? In 1787 in Philadelphia, he opened, as it were, his closet door: 'All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and wellborn, then the mass of the people...The people are turbulent and changing: they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distinct permenent share in the government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by change, they therefore will ever maintain good government.'" I quote further here. "'Power', writes Adams, 'always follows property. Men in general, in every society, who are wholly destitute of property, are also too little acquainted with public affairs for a right judgment, and too dependent upon other men to have a will of their own.'"

My point, men of money and power have always been in control. I don't see this changing. In the last election, it was (to me) choosing the lesser of two evils. I agree with you, it shouldn't be that way, but again, that's how it has always been. Our country was founded on it.

And let us all give thanks to Abigail Adams for running the presidency for her husband!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops, that previous one is from me.

Blogger Dorman said...

Well, Vidal is obviously quoting something representative of result and not cause. Give reasons why the rich end up the ruling class? Easy, the rest of us are at work all day earning bread. Though the assessment of the many is pretty accurate, it paints a picture of uneducated peasantry caught in the system of serfdom. The quote sounds more of a justification for the arm-bar hold government has on us rather than a prescription for a well balanced society. Now, if we really want to look at a prescription for a well balanced society, we should all read Utopia by Thomas More. As Vidal shows a justification, Huxley shows us the results in A Brave New World. (Btw, if someone comes across a hard bound version of this book cheap, I would love to have a copy here.)

So what you are advocating by quoting Vidal and Adams, is that we as the many just accept our role as mule upon whose backs the currently overly-wealthy ruling class rests their burdens? I am a capitalist for sure, at least in a Libertarian capacity. But there is a social component to a nation that is not cdonsidered in a purely capitalistic society. I have lived in a socialist democracy for 18 months and see its effects.

Our political system was not always a 2 party lesser-of-two-evils circus. That is a 20th century evolution and it need not continue. You have just evidenced the results of being tamed; now fall in line with all the rest of the powerless disaffected unrepresented masses that lack hope. I for one would rather go down fighting for what the founders inscribed on that glorious hemp paper than accept a political neutering.

Blogger Dorman said...

For those unfamiliar with Utopia...

Blogger kgfkj;kjgkfj said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Blogger kgfkj;kjgkfj said...

I voted for the lesser of two evils as well. Unfortunately, the bigger evil won.

Blogger Dorman said...

I.L. I am glad you didn't delete, that was an awesome comment. I put up Utopia not as something I suggest but as purely an example of such a prescription...yes a dreamer's wish list. And me being a Psych major doesn't automatically qualify me for a job as political analyst.

In short, I would just like to ponder the idea that when our government establishes a new gov't in other countries (eg, Germany, Iraq) we do not set it up modelled after our own. Curious to me if we are the propagators of democracy, shouldn't we have then the model gov't for all to follow? Why do we set up Socialist Democracies with Prime Ministers? I don't completely know.

Blogger kgfkj;kjgkfj said...

I talk to a few republicans and when I bring up your first-hand knowledge of the lack of reconstruction or exit plan, they dance around it. Some of these people will buy into anything Bush says, even when confronted with a rock-solid contradiction to their "beliefs". The biggest arguement that occurs is that 9/11 or not, we were going to go into Iraq for "regime change". 9/11 just put it on a fast track. Despite NOT finding bin laden, despite the lack of wmd's and using that as the emphasis for war NOT regime change, despite no "smoking gun" or "mushroom cloud", despite that there were no ties to al qaeda or bin laden and iraq. I feel awful for the slodiers who have lost their lives, for the families that have to grieve for loved ones because of this "war on terror".

Knowing you for as long as I have , dean, and knowing that your family loves and worries about you every day (i consider myself family, after all you are like my brother)I pray to god that you get the hell out of there safely.

I don't know where I was going with the last part, but there it is.

That was my gay moment for the day.

Blogger Dorman said...

food for thought and research.....

Research Saddam's request to change the oil industry standard currency from USD to Euro.


Blogger kgfkj;kjgkfj said...

Where should I look?
I tried to google that whole phrase, but no luck.

Blogger Dorman said...

Ok, here's a slow pitch as a starter.

Never ever ever take one source as gospel. Look for other corroborating resources.

Blogger Dorman said...

and every one of you out there that "voted for the lesser of two evils" are exactly part of the problem. We do not actually have a 2 party system, but with the media's help we are programmed to believe we do. Oh, and God forbid that your vote won't count unless you vote for either of the big 2. What a lame way to think. For our system to overcome its downfalls, the voters need to regain their integrity. We talk endlessly about how brave the Iraqis were to show up to vote despite death threats. true. Then you all sit back and vote lazy. I vote Libertarian typically, didn't vote last time because there was nothing to vote for. Plus being in Germany makes it a bit harder. No excuse but I chose not to promote someone I didn't agree with. I needed to do more research myself.

Here is another interesting thing on a related topic.... Iraqi opinions via the BBC. Very interesting except these folks are all in Baghdad. Remember 80% of the population is not urban. Check It out.

Blogger Dorman said...

Liberal? Doesn't like you are. And I do understand the voting thing, wasn't intending to sound caustic but I hear the same excuses so much. We are not helpless citizens. Many have just gotten used to relying on the gov't for every need and decision. Before FDR, the federal gov't was intended to be only for infrastructure and defense. States ran the show, people had more say.

I was a social worker for 6 years. I lost my compassion for 'the poor'.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

why don't you two get married, your blogging is just too "special".

Blogger Dorman said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't hmmmm me, just give her your direct email account, or i will. reading your accounts of what is going on are interesting, your back and forth socio-flirting is just getting UNBEARABLE. i am pleased as hell that you found someone who can actually match wits with you, but honestly. if you are a psych major, you have to be able to see that, the rest of us do. i am going to start an anti-dorman site, just so your "devoted fans" don't have to read the interstellarlass/dorman love connection blog any longer. and don't ponder the fact that i am listing this as anonymous, it is just the way it will be.

Blogger kgfkj;kjgkfj said...

The interstellarlass/dorman love connection blog has a nice ring to it. ;)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rock Lass! And just for the record, I'm not trying to flirt with you but have the same opinions you have listed here, even at the risk of being called a tree hugger. Dean, you've got the passion it takes to make changes. Others may feel as you do but don't have the passion it takes to make a difference. You've got quite a challenge ahead of you and if you can recruit others to jump on your band wagon...cheers! Voting for one of the two obvious winners in a race at least allows your vote to be counted (so to speak). Why vote for a Nader when you know darned well it just isn't going to happen? Again, I agree with Lass that it's quite difficult to agree with a candidate on all then what? You have a long road ahead of you Mr. Dorman but it's wonderful to hear that someone is passionate about something more important than who's going to win the next American Idol.

Blogger kgfkj;kjgkfj said...

Don't get me started on American Idol and the other crap reality TV shows.

I can proudly say I have never watched a single episode of American Idol. It's a complete joke.

I could care less about any of those fools.

Blogger SpiderLord said...

I really don't see the point in sending anyone economic aid. What does that do.
Here is a little scenerio.

Oh those poor people are dying from malaria, oh we can help. Oh shit now their numbers are too great now they are dying of starvation. I know let send them food. Hmmmm I guess we civilized them now they are no longer nomads. Oh fiddle sticks that are trying to plant crops in soil that will be no good for a few years, but they can keep trying. If they were nomads then they wouldn't be in this area until it was good to harvest from again. Oh well lets keep sending them more and more food so they have to become completely reliant on us for our future exploitation. I guess our job is done, what about the people thay are still dying. Oh its natural selection :-)

Blogger mattandriver said...

anonymous, sir or maam. If you don't like what you are reading, don't read it!It's kind of, well, simple!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am 54...the boys I went to high school with were drafted and went to Vietnam the summer we graduated. My father fought in WWII and the Korean War. I can't begin to understand the REAL reasons we go to war. I am guilty of only praying and not acting on my beliefs. I am guilty of finding fault with the powers that be and the ones who hold their strings. I don't want kids to go to bed hungry ANYWHERE on the planet, I don't want people killed half way around the world or 3 blocks from my house. I don't have the answers but maybe we talk to each other not to be lonely? We share our angst, our anger and our hope to remind ourselves that we are more than our possesions. We are blessed to be able to speak our minds and we do owe a debt of gratitude for those who went before us for securing that right. Dorman, spiderlord defend that right every day, thank you. Carol, thank you for turning me onto this blog...I have done a lot of thinking....crys and lass always have deep feedback, robert chase-I am going home tonight and shoot my TV (no officer I did not hear gun shots)and anonymus, with your e-flirting counseling. Staying annonymus is like a drive by shooting.

Blogger Dorman said...

Stat counters are amazing to see who visits and posts to my page and at what times.

Blogger Dorman said...

Your Mac probably doesn't have the Windows Media codec, don't know if you can get that for the Mac. Tomorrow I will be posting a Divx / Xvid version which you should be able to find the codec for your Mac.

Blogger Dorman said...

I agree a straight vote tally would seem fairer but then it puts too much power in the hands of the largest cities. I sure don't my rural america to be fashioned after the depravity of Detroit, per se.


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